I’m living the most fabulous years of my life, both in relationships and finances, and yet someday I asked myself: When it’s going to end?
As we still wonder where’s all aliens, being alive even here on earth seems miraculous itself. As far as we know, life is rare, extremely rare. Not even rare, but also extremely short. And, I don’t mean one’s human life, but the entire life of humanity.
Far future from now, the universe will become inhabitable for any living organism, and so the end of human history. And this is what we got, that’s the portion of human’s history with regard to the entire life of the universe:
In this regards we’re insignificant. And if so, then what are we doing?
I slept in a wet, but yet mild cave last night. Sun is rising, and hunting rabbits is hard in the morning. So we’ll try to find some fruits to eat. At noon we stay in shadows or reach the water to cool down. We may find a rabbit in the evening. If we find it, we’ll knock it to death and bite it straight down.
I’m living my genes, playing the survival game. I don’t know what I’m doing, but my genes have a fair program to what I need to survive.

We passed that era, now there are almost unlimited things to do, choose, think, enjoy, talk, go, crave, and… It’s not a survival game anymore. Now we can take a look at the big picture. And ask ourselves that what are we doing here when we’re insignificant? And that’s where the duality arises: Living an insignificant life.
And we all know that duality leads to pain and suffer.
But maybe we don’t know something about the life yet!
When you don’t know something, ask someone who knows.
And that’s an interesting part: nobody has a fucking clue.
Let’s get back a little and take another look at that caveman’s life. What did really changed that led us here? Is it just knowing more?
In some senses, a caveman had more freedom in respect to the modern human. They could do much more things without thinking about being judged, without many social and law boundaries.
Whether if we can call it freedom or not, I prefer to call it sincerity. They did what they sincerely wanted to do.

Skyler: If I have to hear one more time, that you did this for the family..
Walter: I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And, I was really… I was alive.
An Alien:)